Adam Makowicz
Polish pianist and composer living in Toronto. He performs jazz and classical piano pieces, as well as his own compositions.
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Event: Jazz in the Hermitage Garden
Venue: Hermitage Garden
Place: Moscow, Russia
Time: August 23, 2008

Photographer ©: Pavel Korbut (Павел Корбут)
The contemporary Russian master of art photography, renowned jazz photographer. He lives in Moscow.
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Adam Makowicz (piano) solo performance during festival “Jazz in the Hermitage Garden” in Moscow on 23 August 2008
Discover the photo gallery featuring Adam Makowicz
The images were taken by Pavel Korbut (Павел Корбут) on August 23, 2008, at the Hermitage Garden (Moscow, Russia) during the Jazz in the Hermitage Garden.
The photos are the property of the author, with all rights reserved. If you are interested in purchasing or using any of the images, please contact us.